About me

My story

I went from an 18 year old boy with no money, 1 suitcase across the world to pursue basketball in the USA. To a 6-figure performance coach. I’ve helped high achievers on all fronts – solopreneurs, athletes & leaders multinationally overcome their fears, doubts and find their inner champion.

With an ICF accreditation under my belt and 3+ years in the industry I’ve helped people achieve the unimaginable. From raising prices, to finding their confidence, to making time for loved ones.

All the skills & techniques I learned along my professional athlete days I now utilize to help others thrive.

My mission is to help ordinary people become champions.

By conquering one limiting belief at a time.

And having the tools to stay productive no matter the time.

Why me

Every time you say no to yourself out of fear, you’re leaving millions on the table.

Illogical money comes from illogical courage.

When you’re ready to be that person, my work is for you.

I can help you

Get over your fears

Who you are determines the clients you attract, and the money you make.

Get over your doubts

High level clients look for someone grounded, strong & unwavering.

Get over your beliefs

Someone who handles themselves with grace, emotional intelligence.

Get over your limits

Someone who holds power, success & desire. We make it happen.