The game’s on and the score’s tied

The game’s on and the score’s tied

As they say, “The game’s on, and the score’s tied.”

​Pro sports ain’t all that different from the daily grind we all face. Life throws curveballs left and right. Kids refuse to budge from their cozy beds in the morning. Your neighbor might get all judgy about your parenting skills. Your boss can be a real pain in the neck, and you can’t really give ‘em a piece of your mind. Plus, your significant other might seem like they’re permanently in a bad mood…

​That’s the game we’re all playing, right?

Are you out there to WIN it? Or Are you just playing not to LOSE it?

You might be thinking, “What’s the diff?” Well, let me break it down for you.

Last season, we started strong, playing like absolute legends in the first half and racking up a sweet 20-point lead. We were oozing confidence and focusing on the stuff we could actually control. We were proactive, cruising with that unshakable confidence vibe.

But then, the second half hit, and everything changed. The opponent came at us like they hadn’t eaten for days. That 20-point lead? It started vanishing, and our mindset switched to full-on FEAR mode. We went reactive, glued to the opponent, constantly checking the scoreboard, and praying that we didn’t blow it.

Guess what? We lost…

In my role as a coach, I’ve seen too many folks out there playing life just not to lose, instead of taking charge, focusing on their performance, and grabbing hold of what’s in their power.

In this very first newsletter, and before the seasons get under the way, I want you to reflect and ask yourself a simple question:

How are you playing your game?


You don’t need to open your eyes; it’s enough to open your heart.
You’re smashing through doubts and that “I’m not good enough” nonsense.